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An eight-week workshop designed to guide men on a journey of healing from sexual compulsion. Drawing from Patrick Carnes' work, "Facing the Shadow," we will examine and understand the roots of addiction and pave the path toward lasting freedom in Christ.

This workshop is for men wanting to overcome sexual compulsion as well as for men who would like to learn how to help others heal from their wounds.

Dates, Time and Location

Every Thursday 7:30pm-8:30pm

January 9th - February 27th

Tara Hill Clubhouse

4909 Indian Wood Road

Culver City


$30.00 each • up to 1
Campus Student
$10.00 each • up to 1
Donation for a campus student's Workbook
$30.00 each • up to 2
Required reading*

In order to attend the workshop you must buy and read Facing the Shadow

(Limited free copies of the book might be available for some campus students.)
